Please sir, I want some more!

Remember Oliver Twist holding up his bowl and saying: “Please sir, I want some more”?  In Charles Dickens famed story of Oliver Twist, Oliver is a boy born into a life of poverty that is orphaned at an early age—but raised on a farm.  This scene occurs after Oliver has worked extra hard and by luck of the draw was to ask for another portion of gruel.
I was reminded of this little incident today in prayer—and envisioned myself lifting my little bowl to Father and saying: “Please sir, I want some more!”   What I sensed Father telling me follows. 
‘You are not a begging orphan.  You are a King’s son sitting at the King’s table.  The only way you are NOT there…is when you choose to eat pig slop.  Those times when you willfully LEAVE the table—you leave to eat slop.  But My table is always ready, full of best the of My presence for you to eat.  If you will abide … you will always eat the best of wares.  If you will abide… my presence is always there for you.  Just abide and cease striving—just abide.  Abide in me and my words in you. Abide in my presence—abide at MY table.  Push the hurriedness away.  Push the pressures away.  Push the temporal, busyness, pressures, and agendas away. Abide with me at my table, abide in Me and abide at my table.’
Then I was reminded of Song of Solomon 2:10:  “My lover spoke and said to me, “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me.” 
‘Come away with me… eat at my table… and leave the pig slop.’

A couple of things arise from this.  
First, what is sin.  Sin is eating pig slop, when I can eat at Father’s table.  Is it possible that I have too good a view of sin?  Is it possible that I need to change my viewpoint of sin?  Sin is pig slop.  Sin is eating garbage.  Sin means I can’t eat at Father’s spotless table.
Second, orphan-spirited people beg for something that is theirs by birth.  The devil’s huge lie: “I am not worthy!  I am an orphan!”   Paul’s opinion is this: “God sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could adopt us as his very own children. And because you Gentiles have become his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, and now you can call God your dear Father. Now, you are no longer a slave but God’s own child. And since you are his child, everything he has belongs to you.” Galatians 4:5-7, NLT.

I need to stay out of the pig slop and eat at my Father’s table!


  1. Thank you for posting this when ever you did to be available for me to read before I headed to a troff for what I thought I needed!


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