Don't shoot me...I'm just saying...

I've been reading through the Old Testament.  Solomon is one fascinating individual.  Here Solomon is  portrayed as the richest, smartest, most brilliant person ever to live.  When you read his story you are in awe.  This guy is brilliant.  He is passionate about his faith.  He is faithful and just in his dealings.  He is brilliant in his leadership.  He is generous with his  people.   He has success.  He has style.  He has wealth.  He has led Israel in the construction of history's most fantastic temple for worship.  On the day of the dedication of this facility they gave up counting how many sacrifices were made.   The Bible tells us that the glory of God filled the temple--so much so that "the priests could not perform their service (1Kings 8:10-11)."  This is one terrific person.  This is one awesome piece of history for the Jewish nation.

Kings, leaders and people around the, 'then known world,' came to see and listen to Solomon.  They would come and be in total awe.  They would see the surroundings, witness the beauty, and have an opportunity to listen to Solomon.  Solomon was perhaps the wisest man that ever lived.  He had asked  for wisdom and God gave it to him.  He could lecture on plant life, animals, birds, reptiles, and fish.  He was simply brilliant.

But, Solomon was also dumb.  He so under estimated one of the greatest forces in the universe--women.  Solomon loved many women.  As a matter of fact he had 760 wives and 300 concubines.  Imagine Solomon walking into the local coffee shop--it is full of ladies--he has slept with every one of them!  Stupid!  Solomon had relations with 1060 women.  If he was fairly energetic that would be a different woman every night for almost three years!  Hard to believe he lived to about 80!

And what did these women do?  "As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods...(1 Kings 11:4)."  Solomon, come on!  Really?   As wise as Solomon was, he underestimated the power of the ladies.  

There is one HUGE lesson for us here.  No one is past temptation.  No one is past or beyond having good accountability.  No one is really safe.  It doesn't matter how spiritual, brilliant, talented, or holy we may think we are--we are NOT safe.  We must examine our hearts daily.  We must stay humble before men.  We must confess our sins daily.  We must stay scared!  We have the capabilities of doing something so dumb, we can ruin everything!  Wow!  Let's be watchful!  All of us!  All the time!


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