Let's examine ourselves

Okay, I'm willing to admit it. My wife and I were talking just last night about this very thing. I'm nervous. I'm apprehensive. I'm uncomfortable. Here, let me explain

1. I just read this morning John 7:47-49
Then the Pharisees answered them, “Are you also deceived? Have any of the rulers or the Pharisees believed in Him? But this crowd that does not know the law is accursed.”
The Pharisees had sent officers to arrest Jesus. They didn't arrest him--Jesus arrested them--with his words. Verse 46.... no one ever spoke like that!

2. Notice the criterion for measuring truth or orthodoxy according to the Pharisees. "Have any rulers of the Pharisees believed in Him." Implying
a) Nope-- no ruler has. Therefore Jesus must be a fraud.
b) IF any had believed in this fraud Jesus, they needed to re-examine the facts. "Crowds" know nothing---Pharisees know everything

3. These are the religious rulers. These are the guys that paid their tithes. These are the guys that fasted-- the guys that did everything possible to please G-d.

4. But here was GOD in their midst the person of Jesus. But they are so blind they cannot see!
Why? Look at something as simple as the preceding argument in 7:41-45. They are arguing about "the Christ" having to come OUT of Bethlehem FROM the Davidic line. Like DUH, didn't they bother to ask Jesus ANYTHING!!!!

5. I'm nervous because I tithe. I can't for the life of me figure out why all believers don't. I fast. I know lots that never do and never have. I'm very religious--always have been. I have given my life for the system called the "church." But what if Jesus is somewhere else? What if I'm really a Twenty-first century pharisee? What if I'm caught up in my religious acts and keep missing Jesus? What if Jesus is calling, speaking, even yelling at me and I'm simply deaf because of my religiosity?

Is anyone else nervous out there?


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