So, you know do you?

Do you know the easiest place from which to play a sport? On your easy chair drinking a soft drink and eating a bag of potato chips. You sound like you know what you are doing! You sound like a real professional. You sound like you’ve played the sport for years, have been inducted into the hockey hall of fame and have the first puck you scored with in your first game as a professional. But let’s face it, we fans really don’t know a whole lot. We’ve never been hit with a puck that is flying at you 160 kilometres an hour. We’ve never swung a bat at a ball traveling at that same speed We’ve never been body checked by someone 225 pounds skating at you at 32 kilometres an hour! Let’s face it—we haven’t a clue. We don’t know the average hockey player works out 2 to 3 hours every day—that’s in the gym prior to getting on the ice! So, as we sit in our easy chairs cat calling, tossing pop corn, yelling at the...