How temptation and sin work in the believer.

How temptation and sin work in the believer. Here is the first thing to process: you and I have ‘go-to’ sins—or signature sins. These are the sins we will commit if we are going to sin. For instance there is very little chance you might get drunk on Friday night, but highly likely you will express anger in an ungodly way to your kids. This is because your signature sin is anger—not drunkenness. Even more telling is that there is a strong possibility that your go-to sins are generational. We’ve all heard this: ‘that guy has a drinking problem just like his dad!’ Or, ‘she is a control freak just like her mother!’ We need to learn to defeat these go-to sins and crucify them. Once we can list our go-to sins and learn what they are, we are ready to crucify them daily. The longer we fight them, crucify them, and give them to Jesus—the weaker those sins become in us. They gradually begin to lose their strangle hold o...