Is Church the place I do my spirituality?

As a certified spiritual director I spend time with clients on a one to one basis. The one common thread I find in all my ministry with clients (directees) is as follows. Most have difficulty on the ‘relationship’ level with God. Now let me explain briefly. This doesn’t mean they are not followers of Christ, are not saved, not born again, not a Christian—or whatever introductory level of commitment language you choose to use. But what it does mean is that after the initial conversion experience, outside of a couple of basic things, people are stuck. The basic things most of my directees get are going to church and stopping noticeable sins. But after that…they are stuck. Hello coronavirus! This now presents a HUGE problem to us in every conceivable way. Most are watching the news channels to find out the latest concerns. This coronavirus is affecting us powerfully! Forced closings, financial issues, sickness, and...