Grieving the Spirit and Intimacy with God

Ephesians 4:30 King James Version (KJV) 30 And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Here is a warning I want to share: My thesis: I endeavour to communicate with people so as not to grieve the Holy Spirit. The words from my mouth and the actions I do either court the presence of the Spirit in me or grieve the presence of the Spirit away from me. If I grieve the Holy Spirit that act will effectively shut me out from the presence of God. The Holy Spirit is a person with whom you can establish intimacy and warmth. It is our responsibility to court the presence of the Spirit. We do this through our spirituality. The Holy Spirit can be grieved away. There are two types of people who have grieved the Spirit. People who don’t know they have People who know they have grieved him away. So here is the warning: When you have grieved the presence of the Spirit for a long tim...