Obedience begets Obedience

If you obey the Spirit in little things…you will become more and more obedient. Then the call to obey a huge command will be easily accomplished. Obedience begets obedience. If you disobey the Spirit in little things.. you will become more and more disobedient. Then the call to obey a huge command will be almost impossible. Disobedience begets disobedience. Think of Jesus. Jesus practiced obedience in a simple home in Nazareth up until the age of thirteen. Then Jesus practiced obedience in a simple carpenter’s shop from age thirteen to thirty. At age thirty, he began a public life obeying the Father’s command to be baptized in water by John the Baptist. At age thirty-three—Jesus had been walking in unconditional obedience His entire life—in the smallest of details. Then at the climax of His mission—the crucifixion He, even then, wrestled with His own will. Jesus prayed three times, a series of agonizing surrendering pr...