My Free Will

Everyone is created with a free will. This provided Adam and Eve with the reason or means of disobeying God. I happen to believe Adam is not only a representative of every human being—he was more—he was LIKE every human being. What I mean by that is—given the choice—every one of us, sooner or later, would have eaten the fruit. Adam’s free will gave him a choice. His choice was simple—obey God or act independently. He chose independence and suffered the consequences. In our freedom, we live life making choices. We choose a spouse, a baby’s name, a kind of car, a vocation, etc. Our life is one continual choice. Spiritually speaking: (The following is gleaned from Gerald G May Addiction and Grace) In our spiritual life—freedom of choice—gives you basically 3 alternatives: # 1. You risk total obedience to Christ. # 2. You strive for autonomy—and do your own thing. # 3. You give in ...