The Fatal Error

The vast majority of people who are asked something about eternity, heaven, God—(higher power) have the following kind of response/reasoning. “I’m a good person—and that goodness—gives me favour with ‘god.’” This goodness is based on comparison. The idea is to look around and find someone more evil. That other person’s evilness is the base of your personal goodness. This personal goodness then gives you credibility in the sight of ‘god’ and will give you a free ticket to heaven/eternity. Here is the fatal error in that thinking: 1. What if goodness is not based on ‘law keeping’? What I mean is this: what if being good isn’t so much what you do, but in actuality is what you intrinsically are? 2. What good are ‘rules’ if being good isn’t about actions? The Bible tells us the following: Romans 3:19, 20 “19 Obviously, the law applies to those to whom it was given, for its purpose is to keep people from havi...