How to preach morality in an immoral/amoral culture
How to preach morality in an immoral/amoral culture Premise: Christians, followers of Jesus Christ, march to a different beat—than non-Christians. There are three things that are noted about this: 1. The ‘different beat’ is all too often unrecognized. 2. The ‘different beat’ is used as a bat or stick to beat up non-marchers. 3. The ‘different beat’ needs to be permeated with the soothing sounds of grace and mercy. 1. The ‘different beat’ is all too often unrecognized. What I mean by this is simple. If Christians see the Bible as the source of morality (see last blog)—that lifestyle should be easily recognized in our culture. Our culture is basically ignorant of the Bible—at best—or at worst—anti-biblical. If you choose to be Biblical in your morality you are juxtaposed to our culture. The problem that exists is simple—that’s not true in too many situations! Persons, reportedly ‘Christians’ are not fol...