Come on! You can be honest with God!

Several years ago—when people did this more often—a mother was hanging the family laundry out to dry on a clothes line hung between two trees in her backyard. This mother’s family had suffered the loss of a family member in a tragic accident. She was particularly mournful that day and stopped in her task, looked heavenward, and prayed: “Lord, why did you take my son?” As soon as the words slipped from her lips she recanted, “Sorry Lord.” Her theology did not allow that kind of dialogue. It sounded wrong in her theological mind. She wanted to make sure things didn’t get out of kilter—so she immediately apologized to God. What her theology did not allow is relationship. Her theology was a set of beliefs and proper actions—but seemingly a little light on relationship. You see relationship is best defined as a journey of divulging. Take dating as a simple illustration. When you begin to date, you start ...